groove87 a écrit :-les composants risquent d'etre chiant a trouver (genre les 2 tubes par ex)
-l'integration à l'air "mini"
-c toujours delicat de réaliser un montage à lampe car niveau tension c pas du 12v l'alimentation des lampes
groove87 a écrit :Sinon par rapport au preamp mxr c pas trop comparable car la on parle d'un ampli (tu branches ton cab derriere)
Sub-miniature tubes, also referred to as pencil tubes or hearing-aid tubes, are among the last generation of vacuum tubes designed and built. They're typically very small, and instead of being socketed they have flexible leads like passive components. Some are designed to be run off of batteries (the hearing aid tubes), with very low heater & B+ voltages, while others were designed for military & industrial use.
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