peroukin a écrit :par curiosité, tu l'as faire faire chez qui la sacoche ? a moins que tu te sois lancé aussi dans la fabrication de sac ?
Bruno, Val-King is a copyrighted trademark and we can not make/place such logos on our products unless you are the copyright owner. I hope you understand that as it is also clearly explained within all of our auction descriptions.
I assume that you're not the copyright owner and therefore we can't go this way cause we can loose our business if we do so.
If this doesn't match your needs - please let me know and I will cancel your order and refund your payment.
Let me know how to proceed further.
Sincerely yours -
Jordan J.
DANN Studio
Varna, Bulgaria
I am the copyright owner - it is a name that I invented for building this unique amplifier you have in picture here, along with my brand GUILHEM Amplification. This amplifier, like every amplifier I built, is for my own use and is in no way intended to be sold (you do not even imagine the price !). You will find enclosed other pictures of my self-designed-and-built amplifier : you won't be able to find another one since I keep them all...
Best regards,
Bruno - from France.
Oh, that's great then!
I never thought you might be the copyright owner. But if you are - then we have no problem with this. I will prepare it and send you a sample how it will look.
Sincerely yours -
Jordan J.
DANN Studio
Varna, Bulgaria
+359 886 774491 (cell)
+359 894 375371 (cell)
I am really curious how your amps sound. I am a guit player and endorser for voodoo amps USA. I would love to hear your amps sounds. We can make covers for your amps too as we make covers for voodoo amps usa, reinhard amplification, mojave amplification and others. You should think about it and let me know. Cheers!
Hello Jordan,
That's fine, I wait for your pictures, then.
My amps sound like vintage amps, some of them having little tricks like footswitched boosters, triode/pentode or presence switches, and of course a good-sounding reverb. These are not Hi-Gain amps, and have no master-volume : if you want overdrive sound, then you push it, à la pure vintage.
I have a part-time activity which consists in repairing tube amps, and when I have the time, designing and building tube amps for myself, these being not intended for sale. That explains why I need padded custom covers and/or gig bags sometimes, and with an embroided logo (mine !), it's even better...
I will try to make some quality samples, showing how my amps sound, ans let you hear it... Well, when I'll have time to do it quietly.
Thanks & Best regards,
Bruno - from France.
I am looking forward to hearing some samples!
I have a lot of amps in my own recording studio - Bogner, Voodooamps, ENGL, Hughes&Kettner, vintage Marshalls, MESA ... But I really wanna hear how your products sound like. If you have some pricings - I'd like to know them too.
I am attaching a picture from my studio.
Sincerely yours -
Jordan J.
DANN Studio
Varna, Bulgaria
+359 886 774491 (cell)
+359 894 375371 (cell)
peroukin a écrit :Marrant c'est clair !
Du coup tu as déposé la marque ?
peroukin a écrit :effectivement ça rentre au chausse pied ce coup ci !!
tubelectron a écrit :Les samples sont vraiment bien pourris , je ne les avais pas contrôlés ... Ils ne rendent vraiment pas justice à l'ampli. Je tacherai d'en refaire d'autres qui soient corrects...
je comprends mieux pourquoi tu as un peu peiné a éradiquer les rossignols qui avaient élu domicile dans le cab !!
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